Smart-simple tips banish the boredom of your relationship and make it romantic.

With time everything gets old, dull or rather stale, because running on the same track seems routine to us. And then there is nothing like freshness or vigor in it. Relationships also gradually become regular, as over time they lose energy and warmth, so relationships need to be worked on as well. And also on yourself so that they remain fresh and you also remain fresh.

You and your relationship should also not become stale for each other, therefore, refresh him and yourself in time, otherwise the relationship may come on the verge of breaking. If you feel that you have neither the same attraction nor that romance for each other, then be aware and give time to yourself and your relationship.

Work on yourself:

Look at yourself first. How much have you changed over time? Your attitude about your partner etc… Make a list and then work on it one by one.

Love yourself:

Unless you love yourself, why would anyone else? Think of ways to make yourself happy and then involve your partner in that.

Try something new:

Whenever you feel that the relationship is getting regular, try something new. Something that makes the other person feels like we haven’t even thought about it. With this, you start living those relationships anew. You can bring this innovation in any way. Whether it is by surprise or by giving up such a bad habit, which makes your partner happy and makes him feel that you have done something for him.

Focus on fitness:

If you stay fit then you will not only be healthy but also look attractive and fitness also plays a big role in any relationship. Not only do you stay healthy, but your relationship stays healthy too. Take fitness challenges for each other. Take a walk or exercise together. With this, you will be able to spend time with each other and will also be healthy. Do not let obesity increase, so that you look fit and attractive. Eat healthy and adopt a healthy lifestyle and seeing you can inspire your partner to do the same.

Revive your hobbies:

You can revive and fulfill not only your hobbies but also your partner’s hobbies. This will improve the bonding of both of you and you will also feel newness in life.

Pay Attention to Your Beauty and Cleanliness:

Over time, couples often become so comfortable with each other that they tend to overlook their physical beauty and cleanliness. But one day you dress up for your partner as before and welcome them by getting ready, then see their reaction. Similarly, cleanliness is also important for health and sex life. From oral health to personal hygiene, start paying attention again.

Re-create romance in life:

When responsibilities start increasing, romance almost disappears from life after a time, no need to bring expensive gifts or go to expensive places on vacation for romance, only feelings are enough. You can make your partner feel that how much you love them. Sometimes by coming early from the office, sometimes by planning a dinner or a movie, sometimes with a loving phone call, sometimes by making their favorite dish, sometimes through I love you message, sometimes by stealing your eyes and holding hands lightly.


Talk and speak your heart:

Saying your heart in a simple way strengthens the bonding. Communication is necessary at every level and at all times. If ever something is bothering you or you feel something for your partner, communicate it. If you keep this in your heart, things will escalate and troubles too.

Spend time together and share quality time:

Sharing is very important in a relationship. This increases trust in each other, so share your joys, sorrows, efforts, your fears.

Change yourself a little for each other.

click here This will make the partner feel that you know how to respect their feelings.

Do something they like:

Wear your partner’s favorite color or dress or watch their favorite show with them. Do it by getting involved. Or you can order food of your partner’s choice or invite their friends for a party at home.

Don’t let the responsibilities take over your relationship:

Always decide who will take whose responsibility, helping both in each other’s work will make the work lighter and you will not get tired. You will be able to give more time to yourself and your relationship.

Don’t let fatigue take over:

When body and mind start getting tired, then we start getting stale for each other. If this does not happen, then support the partner and even if he does not feel like, then support him in a different way in his romantic mood, so that he does not feel bad, otherwise it will not take long for a third person to come between you both. Instead of getting angry, laugh or explain with love that today you are very tired or you are not well.

Take care and avoid hurting your partner:

Caring is the foundation of every relationship. If the partner is not feeling well, something is bothering them or they are worried about their family members, and then go for support, talk. A spirit of cooperation is essential in every relationship. Similarly, if you know that your behavior or something can hurt your partner, then avoid doing so. If something like this happens by mistake, then apologize and also promise not to repeat the mistake in future. Maybe that thing is minor to you, but the partner may not like it.

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It’s a question that has divided men’s health experts for years: Should healthy men, with no symptoms or family history of prostate cancer, get a prostate specific antigen test and treatment right away if a tumor is found?

Men’s health experts and cancer specialists say the continuing back-and-forth on PSA testing and active surveillance has deepened widespread confusion for men with questions about what to do.

Proponents of routine PSA testing say it is the best screening tool in oncologists’ arsenals for catching prostate cancer early, when it is most treatable.

But opponents argue that it prompts many newly diagnosed men to seek invasive treatments that can cause impotence and incontinence, although up to 80% have low-risk tumors that will never be life-threatening. For them, they say, the best option is “active surveillance,” where doctors monitor patients closely for signs their cancer is advancing before treating it.

This fall, the influential National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) reignited the debate, recommending active surveillance, surgery, or radiation for men newly diagnosed with prostate cancer as a result of PSA testing — giving equal weight to all three approaches.

After a firestorm of criticism, the NCCN reversed course and now recommends that “most men” with low-risk prostate cancer be managed through active surveillance as the “preferred” first treatment option over surgery and radiation.

The updated guidelines also reiterated the group’s stance against routine PSA testing for most men “as a general population screening tool due to its well-documented limitations” and its potential for prompting overtreatment.

Some oncologists even say the debate has eclipsed the most important point about prostate cancer — that each case requires a personalized, patient-centered approach to testing and care that one-size-fits-all screening guidelines don’t take into account.

“These guidelines are always changing back and forth, and I’ve seen a lot of these changes,” says David Samadi, MD, a urologic oncologist and director of men’s health at St. Francis Hospital in Roslyn, NY. “But individualized care is the best way to go.”

He says men should work with their doctors to determine whether and when to have PSA testing, based on their unique genetic and biological makeup, age, family history, overall health, lifestyle, race, ethnic background, and other factors. Any course of cancer care should be approached in a similar, patient-centered way, he says.

Otis W. Brawley, MD, a professor of oncology and epidemiology at Johns Hopkins University, agrees that PSA testing is an important screening tool, but it should not always lead to treatment. Men need to weigh the risks and benefits of testing and understand that most diagnosed with prostate cancer should not be rushed to surgery, radiation, or other therapies, he says.

“Given the uncertainty that PSA testing results in more benefit than harm, a thoughtful and broad approach to PSA is critical,” Brawley says, citing the current position of the American Urological Association.

“Patients need to be informed of the risks and benefits of testing before it’s undertaken. The risks of over detection and overtreatment should be included in this discussion.”

Brawley says his own position on PSA testing has evolved over the past 3 decades, in part because most men are no longer routinely treated aggressively at the first sign of cancer.

“I was very much against screening for prostate cancer, especially in the 1990s,” he says. “Fifteen years ago, every man who was found to have localized prostate cancer in the United States, if he was diagnosed on a Tuesday or Wednesday, he was told it needs to be out of your body by Friday, week after next, literally.

“Now, there are areas of the United States where half of all men with screen-detected prostate cancer are watched and most of those men will never be treated for their prostate cancer.”

PSA Testing: Pros, Cons

A PSA test measures blood levels of prostate-specific antigen, which can be high when cancer is present in the prostate, the walnut-sized gland that produces seminal fluid and is key to a man’s sexual functioning.

The test was introduced in 1994 to detect the possible presence of prostate cancer, the second-leading cause of cancer deaths in American men. A PSA level of less than 4 nanograms per milliliter of blood is considered normal; when it spikes to 6 or higher in a year’s time, doctors are likely to suggest a biopsy to check for a tumor.

If prostate cancer is seen on a biopsy, PSA levels can be used to determine the stage of cancer — how advanced it is. Cancers are also assigned a grade — called a Gleason score — that can show how likely it is to spread. Gleason scores of 6 or less are considered “low grade,” 7 is “intermediate,” and 8 to 10 is “high grade.”

But PSA testing is not foolproof. Cancer isn’t the only thing that can raise PSA levels. Inflammation, infection, and an enlarged prostate (common in men over 50) can cause increases in PSA. So it’s not as accurate a cancer predictor as, say, genetic tests for the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes strongly linked to breast cancer (and a very small number of prostate cancers).

Even when testing turns up a tumor, it does not indicate whether it’s an aggressive form of cancer that needs treatment right away or is a slow-growing, low-risk tumor unlikely to be life-threatening. In fact, autopsy studies have found that undiagnosed prostate cancer is found in about a third of men over 70 who die from some other cause.

But there is no question that PSA testing has helped identify many cancer cases that might otherwise have not been found in early stages. Research shows:

  • PSA screening can flag cancer about 6 years earlier than a digital rectal exam and 5-10 years before symptoms of the disease emerge.
  • The death rate from prostate cancer has fallen by more than half since the FDA first approved PSA tests.
  • Nine in 10 cases in the U.S. are found while the disease is confined to the gland (or nearby), when nearly all men with the disease survive 5 or more years.
  • About 4 out of 5 men with an elevated PSA who are found on biopsy to have cancer have a low-risk form of the disease that is unlikely to kill them before something else does.

Even so, the doubts about PSA testing have led to widespread debate over who should have it done, at what age, and how doctors and patients should respond to an elevated level.

“Not everyone needs to be screened, not everyone found to have an elevated PSA needs to be biopsied, and Lord knows that not everyone with prostate cancer needs aggressive treatment,” said Colorado Springs urologist Henry Rosevear, MD, writing in Urology Times.

In the face of the uncertainties, men have to weigh competing and confusing advice on PSA testing and active surveillance.

For instance:

  • The American Cancer Society recommends that men with at least a 10-year life expectancy “make an informed decision” with their doctor about PSA testing. Discussions should begin at age 50 for men at “average” risk for cancer, 45 for those at “high risk” (African Americans and men with a father, brother, or son diagnosed with the disease before 65), and 40 for “higher risk” people (with more than one close relative diagnosed with prostate cancer at an early age).
  • The National Comprehensive Cancer Network does not endorse routine screening but advises men 45 to 75 years old to discuss screening risks and benefits with their doctor.
  • The American Urological Association recommends that men 55 to 69 years old weigh the risks and benefits of PSA screening and advises against testing for men under 40, those between 40 and 54 at “average risk,” and men over age 70 or with “a life expectancy less than 10-15 years.”
  • In 2018, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) revised its controversial 2012 recommendation against prostate cancer screening and now advises that for men ages 55 to 69, “the decision of whether or not to undergo screening should be individualized.” For men 70 and older, the USPSTF recommends against PSA testing.
Samadi says tracking PSA levels and trends over a period of years or decades is far more valuable than a single isolated test result, when it comes to assessing a man’s cancer risk and how best to handle it.

“I’m a big proponent of PSA screening and … I always tell the patients to get a baseline PSA at the age of 40,” he says. “And if that’s absolutely normal, then you can repeat it every 2 or 3 years.”

But from the get-go, Samadi says, it’s important to understand that an elevated PSA test, on its own, does not necessarily mean any man needs surgery, radiation, or other treatment right away that can affect his quality of life.

Brawley agrees, noting that studies show a prostatectomy (surgery to remove all or part of the prostate) carries a 40% risk for impotence and/or urinary incontinence and a 0.5% chance of dying from the operation, while pelvic radiation can lead to bladder and bowel irritation and bleeding.

“A large number of men who are screened and who are diagnosed with prostate cancer today are going to be told you have one of the more benign-ish prostate cancers — yes, it’s malignant, but it’s less aggressive,” he says. “Therefore, instead of giving you a radical prostatectomy [or] radiation … we’re going to watch you.”

Advances in Biomarkers, Genetics

In recent years, researchers have been working to develop more refined and sophisticated techniques than PSA testing to help identify more aggressive tumors early, reports James Eastham, MD, of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City.

One is the so-called 4Kscore test that assesses the levels of four prostate-specific antigens to gauge a man’s risk of having an aggressive cancer.

Another, called the prostate health index, combines three PSA measurements to identify cancer and help some men avoid a biopsy.

A third test, ExoDx Prostate IntelliScore, examines biomarkers in urine to help predict a man’s likelihood of having prostate cancer that will spread and become deadly without treatment right away.

Researchers are also studying an advanced form of MRI that can detect higher-risk prostate cancers.

In addition, other newly developed tests and methods — some based on molecular and genetic tests — are showing promise.

Samadi says these personalized, next-wave tests are more precise tools that go beyond PSA testing to help guide oncologists’ decisions on care, management, and treatment of their patients.

Maurie Markman, MD, a medical oncologist, believes this new breed of genetic tests and molecular biomarkers will revolutionize cancer therapy.

“As time goes on, there will be molecular markers that will be discovered that will help refine this [to] actually predict with a much higher precision those patients who will develop high-grade cancer or metastatic disease much better than PSA or Gleason score,” says Markman, president of medicine and science at the Cancer Treatment Centers of America. “That’s the future.”

Improvements in Treatment

Samadi says some of these advances have already improved prostate cancer detection and will continue to do so.

But at the same time, vast improvements have been in made in how doctors perform biopsies and treat cancer with surgery, radiation, chemo, or hormone therapy (known as androgen deprivation therapy), he says.

Major strides have been made in surgical techniques (using less invasive laparoscopic and robotic-assisted techniques), digital medicine (using MRI and other scans), and more targeted radiation therapy. Meanwhile, clinical trials are underway for new drugs designed to treat genetic factors that drive cancers of all types.

Samadi says he’s also seen major progress in treating prostate cancer as a result of changes in American medicine since the 1990s.

“When I was in training in residency, 25-30 years ago, we would see people coming in with hard-rock prostates, and we were doing a lot of surgery, chemo, hormonal treatment, and radiation,” he notes. “But over the course of the last 3 decades, a lot has changed, and [it] all happens to be good.”

For one thing, an elevated PSA no longer triggers the “knee-jerk reaction” that a biopsy must be done, and immediate treatment be sought if a tumor is uncovered.

And advances in MRI technology now allow doctors to use imaging — instead of surgical biopsies — to assess prostate tumors.

Twenty years ago, urologists would randomly biopsy six or more areas of the prostate in a hit-or-miss hunt for tumor cells that often required patients to have multiple procedures.

“But today, we’re using more of a targeted biopsy, we’re finding out where the lesion is, we go straight into the lesion, and we’re able to find out exactly what the cancer is,” Samadi says. “So it’s less invasive, less headache, more targeted, and more intelligent.”

Radiation techniques have also improved over the past 2 decades.

In the 1900s and early 2000s, full-pelvis radiation was common, often causing serious complications. But more precise radiation techniques — involving “CyberKnife” therapy and proton therapy — can now be used to deliver tiny, precisely aimed beams of radiation into tumor cells, sparing healthy surrounding tissues and reducing complication risks.

Cancer specialists are also optimistic about the promise of other therapeutics now in the pipeline.

Early research has found, for instance, that cutting-edge prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) scans can identify high-risk cancers. These scans use radioactive tracers that attach to PSMA, a substance often found in large amounts on prostate cancer cells, and are now being used in some medical centers.

Another technique — calledradioligand therapy,” already approved overseas — combines a targeting compound that binds to cancer biomarkers to enable precisely targeted delivery of radiation to the tumor, leaving healthy surrounding tissue unharmed.

In addition to these advances in treatment options, Samadi says the approach to treating prostate cancer — particularly in older men — has undergone a sea change. Twenty years ago, men older than 70 were not considered good candidates for surgery or other treatment, he says.

“But that concept doesn’t make sense anymore today, and the reason is medicine has improved … and we see a lot of people in their 80s and 90s,” he says.

For instance, Samadi says some of his patients are 70 and older who are healthy, physically fit, and great candidates for surgery because they are likely to live many more years. On the other hand, he treats patients in their 50s who are obese, diabetic, and/or have heart disease who aren’t likely to benefit as much from prostate surgery.

“I look at my patients individually,” he says. “If they are healthy and they are in good physical shape and I think they would be an excellent candidate in the operating room under my care, then I know this guy can be cancer-free with our robotic surgeries and with good continence rate and good sexual function, etc.”

The upshot: As more men are living longer with prostate cancer as a result of improvements in diagnostics, surgery, radiation, and other advances, treatment decisions should not be based on age, PSA test results, or other single-factor considerations alone.

“A one-size-fits-all approach is not a good treatment plan,” Samadi says. “Individualized care is the best way.”

Everyone female desires of fuller and voluptuous breasts as it may paintings wonders for her confidence. Good length complements their feminist and works surprise for his or her basic character.

The herbal herbs boom the breast length and deliver and appealing form. Big B XL Capsule effect the general form and look of the breasts. It works with inside the breasts to broaden new tissues and boom blood float to the breasts. The improved quantity of blood float brings the more youthful sense, tightens the pores and skin to get rid of sagging, and makes it glow with a pinkish blush. It complements the sensitivity and softness with inside the breasts.
There may be diverse strategies applied to boom breasts length naturally. These comprise breast enhancement creams, pills, and breast pumps. They are taken into consideration to be very powerful; however they all don’t offer everlasting consequences. Breast expansion pump works fine however for a few time. It additionally reasons a facet impact.
Big-BXL tablets are a herbal and powerful breast enlarger. They are secure to apply and that they deliver your stunning and herbal breasts. Made from herbal herbs, it offers you the preferred consequences of a month. It does now no longer the handiest boom your breast length, however additionally firmness. With an easy dosage to comply with Big-BXL tablets haven’t any facet impact.
Our technique could be very low cost and cheap. You don’t want to go through any surgical operation for this purpose. If you may go through surgical operation to decorate your breasts, then it’ll price extra, and it would have faceted results as well. Big BXL tablets are facet impact free. They are shaped via way of means of the mixture of herbal herbs.
Factors that have an effect on the breast length and form: –
Pregnancy: – Pregnancy influences your breast length and form. Because milk starts off evolved to shape for your breast, that’s a motive of loosing sagging breast.
Age: – After the age of 40, pores and skin begins off evolved to lose elasticity and proteins like collagen and elastin begin breaking down. These consequences in loosing sagging breast.
Fatness: – If you’re obese, than the fats begins off evolved to shop at your chest. Its direct impact is seen to your breast. Your breast will appearance shapeless.
Smoking: Smoking reasons the pores and skin to lose elasticity, so people who smoke are much more likely to broaden baggy breasts.
Exercise without guide: Exercise that includes numerous breast motion can place more stress on the breast ligaments. If the breasts, particularly huge breasts, do now no longer have the right guided, it may cause stretching of the ligaments and sagging of the breasts.
Exercise – Although exercising could be very useful for the body, workout excessively may be liable for lowering the tightness of the breast.
Breastfeeding – Post lactation, the fats cells shrink, and that’s why sagging happens.
Bra selection – Wearing a bra with the proper guide could be very vital as it may each make and spoil your breasts. Do now no longer put on the equal bra for a protracted time. Cotton bras need to be used extra in place of nylon and foam bras, and it’s far fine to sleep without bra at night.
Sunburn – Ultraviolet rays harm the pores and skin and motive lack of elasticity as well.
Nutrient deficiency – Many ladies have observed that because of the dearth of vitamins of their body, their breasts get the proper quantity of nutrition, because of which the breasts begin turning into unformed.

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Remove stretch marks and looseness Big BXL Breast expansion Pills is the remedy for cutting-edge day female who is familiar with the want of appropriate form with inside the beauty and attractive character of female.

Everyone female desires of fuller and voluptuous breasts as it may paintings wonders for her confidence. Good length complements their feminist and works surprise for his or her basic character.

The herbal herbs boom the breast length and deliver and appealing form. Big B XL Capsule

effect the general form and look of the breasts. It works with inside the breasts to broaden new tissues and boom blood float to the breasts. The improved quantity of blood float brings the more youthful sense, tightens the pores and skin to get rid of sagging, and makes it glow with a pinkish blush. It complements the sensitivity and softness with inside the breasts.
There may be diverse strategies applied to boom breasts length naturally. These com

prize breast enhancement creams, pills, and breast pumps. They are taken into consideration to be very powerful; however they all don’t offer everlasting consequences. Breast expansion pump works fine however for a few time. It additionally reasons a facet impact.

Big-BXL tablets are a herbal and powerful breast enlarger. They are secure to apply and that they deliver your stunning and herbal breasts. Made from herbal herbs, it offers you the preferred consequences of a month. It does now no longer the handiest boom your breast length, however additionally firmness. With an easy dosage to comply with Big-BXL tablets haven’t any facet impact.

Our technique could be very low cost and cheap. You don’t want to go through any surgical operation for this purpose. If you may go through surgical operation to decorate your breasts, then it’ll price extra, and it would have faceted results as well. Big BXL tablets are facet impact free. They are shaped via way of means of the mixture of herbal herbs.

Factors that have an effect on the breast length and form: –

Pregnancy: – Pregnancy influences your breast length and form. Because milk starts off evolved to shape for your breast, that’s a motive of loosing sagging breast.
Age: – After the age of 40, pores and skin begins off evolved to lose elasticity and proteins like collagen and elastin begin breaking down. These consequences in loosing sagging breast.
Fatness: – If you’re obese, than the fats begins off evolved to shop at your chest. Its direct impact is seen to your breast. Your breast will appearance shapeless.
Smoking: Smoking reasons the pores and skin to lose elasticity, so people who smoke are much more likely to broaden baggy breasts.
Exercise without guide: Exercise that includes numerous breast motion can place more stress on the breast ligaments. If the breasts, particularly huge breasts, do now no longer have the right guided, it may cause stretching of the ligaments and sagging of the breasts.
Exercise – Although exercising could be very useful for the body, workout excessively may be liable for lowering the tightness of the breast.
Breastfeeding – Post lactation, the fats cells shrink, and that’s why sagging happens.
Bra selection – Wearing a bra with the proper guide could be very vital as it may each make and spoil your breasts. Do now no longer put on the equal bra for a protracted time. Cotton bras need to be used extra in place of nylon and foam bras, and it’s far fine to sleep without bra at night.
Sunburn – Ultraviolet rays harm the pores and skin and motive lack of elasticity as well.
Nutrient deficiency – Many ladies have observed that because of the dearth of vitamins of their body, their breasts get the proper quantity of nutrition, because of which the breasts begin turning into unformed.

Big-B-XL Will Help You With:-

• Increase breast length and firmness
• Enhance texture of pores and skin round breast
• Promotes uplift of the breast & deep cleavage
• Healthy, company and spherical breasts
• Soft and fuller appearance
• Improves the glow and tightens the pores and skin
• Pure Natural mixture of herbs
• 100% secure and facet impact free
• Makes it viable to offer fairer breast pores and skin and pinkish nipples
• Used successfully via way of means of female throughout the globe
• Natural enhancement in breast length and form
• Best breast extend formula
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• Help in balancing hormones
• Fuller and more youthful sense

Remove stretch marks and looseness Big BXL Breast expansion Pills is the remedy for cutting-edge day female who is familiar with the want of appropriate form with inside the beauty and attractive character of female.

To know about breast reduction cream

Female low concupiscence issue comes up once on an individual basis or a combination of physiological or psychological conditions affects her drive. A woman`s body practicality and sexual responses are totally different than that of male. The feminine low concupiscence treatment may be a treatment to cure the difficulty of low sex drive/ sex urge in females. It removes the hurdles from a full-fledged drive and brings her nearer to expertise the height of sexual issues.

Female concupiscence and sex medication for feminine

Sexual pathology in ladies

A woman’s desire naturally fluctuates over the years. Higher and lower desire sometimes varies thanks to major issues like maternity, climacteric or unwellness, or a relationship along with your partner, however, if you’re a better half. If you’re troubled by low sex need or no sex need in the slightest degree, then there are several techniques to create changes in fashion with low drive, and increase sex need which might increase the desire of your partner. And a few medicines additionally promise.
In medical terms, you have got inactive desire disorder if you have got a persistent or perennial kind of loss of interest in sex that may cause personal distress. Low concupiscence is additional common in ladies than in men. In fact, quite forty % of ladies suffer from sexual pathology whereas men {who suffer or who are suffering} from sexual pathology are concerning thirty % World Health Organization complain of lack of drive. However wherever wills this distinction come back from? Why is that this downside additional common in ladies than in men? The rationale is that the concupiscence in ladies is far additional advanced than the concupiscence in men. Whereas male concupiscence is primarily physical, drive in feminine may be affected each physically and showing emotion. And lots of alternative factors may also be suffering from a spread of physiological factors and diseases, medications, physical changes etc. will result in lower concupiscence in ladies.

There are several physical reasons for low desire in ladies will be:-

Disease – illness that cause low concupiscence in ladies embrace nephropathy, medical specialty diseases, arteria illness, arthritis, diabetes, cancer, high vital sign, etc.
Medicines – several medications, like negative vital sign medication, anti-depressants, anti-psychotic medication, therapy medication, etc., are renowned to possess an impression on drive.
Alcohol and misuse – Taking an excessive amount of alcohol or medication will kill your concupiscence.
Obesity or diet – ladies World Health Organization are weighty or suffer from eating disorder (or severe weight problems) could have a decrease in bound sex hormones and sexual interest.
Surgery – Breast surgery or surgery involving the crotch will have an effect on the need for sex.
Tiredness – truly, there’s no interest in sex thanks to exhaustion.
Pain or discomfort throughout sex – If a lady experiences pain (dyspareunia) or impairment throughout sex, it will destroy your need for sex.
Hormone changes – Changes in secretion levels additionally cause changes in concupiscence. It will kill the urge to possess sex for a few times in a very woman’s life particularly.
Stress and anxiety- Body image and/or low vanity.
Relationship problems.
Past or gift physical or emotional abuse.
History of regulatory offense or rape.
Secret sexual practice.

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Causes of sad sexual life for men

It is a well-liked notion that growing age decreases the will in men to possess a full of life and satisfying sexual life. It, however, isn’t true. Growing age is one among the factors for unhappy sexual life, however there square measure different reasons, that end in sad sexual life for men. a number of the potent reasons behind sad sexual life for men square measure mentioned below:


Loss of physical attraction (sex drive)

Loss of physical attraction in men is unusual compared with ladies tho’ dysfunction in men could be a a lot of common drawback compared with different sexual issues that occur in ladies. Loss of physical attraction doesn’t mean that the flexibility to possess sex has diminished in an exceedingly man, however that the will for it doesn’t exist any longer.
Low physical attraction or loss of physical attraction is coupled to bound physiological, emotional and psychological causes, however sad sexual life or relationship can’t be avoided.
Physiological reasons for loss of physical attraction is alcoholism, drug abuse, fatness (a major factor), anaemia, low androgen (a terribly rare cause) or polygenic disease.
Some emotional or psychological reasons is depression, stress, overstrain, insubstantial childhood reminiscences, relationship problems with the partner and sexual orientation issues

Erectile Dysfunction  —

ED With growing age, impotence (also called dysfunction or ED)

in men becomes a lot of common. Impotency suggests that the loss of ability to possess associate degreed sustain an erection for sexual issues. because of impotency, men take quite usual time to urge associate degree erection. Erection doesn’t essentially mean that it’s going to be as firm or as massive because it wont to be. when consummation, the loss of erection is fast. Another erection could take longer than the primary. dysfunction isn’t a severe drawback, particularly not that there’s a prevalence of advanced bioscience, however if it happens typically, you must consult a doctor for correct steering.

Emotional Imbalance

Emotional imbalance in relationship or in family can even be a reason behind sad sexual life. discontentedness in an exceedingly relationship will cause stress, infidelity, frustration etc that successively influences sexual life. Emotional upheavals because of family issues or death of a honey square measure another common causes of disturbed sexual life in men.
Once a person goes through emotional turbulence, his interest in sexual life reduces. He cannot connect with the intimacy, love and fervour concerned in sexual practice.


Some diseases, disabilities, ailments, medicines and surgeries will have an effect on men’s ability or need to possess and revel in sex. Diseases like polygenic disease cause dysfunction in some men, a robust reason to possess sad or discontent sexual life. Disorders like incontinence (loss of bladder management or unseaworthy of urine), sometimes, develop with age, thereby creating sexual issues troublesome as further pressure on the belly throughout intercourse will cause a loss of excretion, thereby killing the will of getting sex. Incontinence is avoided by dynamic your positions. Incontinence is effectively treated by taking medical facilitate.



Penis Enlargement 

Penis size is an important issue for men of many ages who are concerned about the length and thickness of their penis. Men with smaller penises often develop low self-confidence and a poor body image. They become concerned about the impact of a smaller penis on their relationships and sexual performance.
The size of the penis can be improved by incorporating appropriate changes in lifestyle and eating habits. Certain Ayurvedic herbs, Ayurvedic medicines and massage oils can 100% help in  enlarging the penis  without any side effects. They can also address other sexual diseases like premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, poor sperm count, low stamina etc.

Sikander E Azam Plus Capsule

Hashmi’s Sikander E Azam Plus Capsules are ayurvedic capsules formulated to cure male sexual disorders. Sikander E Azam Plus Capsules are completely natural and safe to use. These capsules help in curing erectile dysfunction, nightfall, low libido, low strength and stamina, premature ejaculation and many such problems. Being a herbal product, there are no known side effects of Sikandar E Azam Plus Capsule. Hence capsules can be used without any worries.

Capsules help to increase the width and length of the penis. It also helps in increasing the sexual desire of the male to satisfy the orgasm.

Sikander-e-Azam Plus Capsules Best male enlargement capsules are 100% natural and safe products, which are able to increase male penis size up to 2 inches and increase up to 25% safely and permanently. Sikander-e-Azam Plus Capsules are specially selected by high quality, herbal based ingredients to get the best results in your life.

Sikander-e-Azam Plus Capsules are created by a professional team of doctors under the direction of Dr Hashmi, with many years of experience, engaged to get the best products on the market

Benefit of capsule

1. Brings tension and stiffness,
2. Removes looseness of penis
3. Strengthens the veins of the penis by increasing blood flow
4. Produces proper erection in the penis
5. Beneficial in sexually transmitted diseases
6. Beneficial in curing the problem of premature ejaculation
7. Say good bye to your small penis
8. High blood flow and a hormonal balance

As with any health concern, men who are concerned about the size of their penis can consult Dr. Hashmi.

Houston Methodist made headlines in April when it told employees they would have to get vaccinated for COVID or be fired, becoming the first large medical system in the United States to mandate COVID vaccinations.

The policy has worked. About 98% of the 26,000 employees at Houston Methodist have now been vaccinated against COVID-19, according to Stefanie Asin, director of public relations and communications at Houston Methodist.

Yet, the hospital’s strong stance has also ignited a war of words between management and wary frontline workers.

One of those workers, Jennifer Bridges, 39, a medical-surgical nurse, has spent much of the last year treating COVID patients. She has watched her fellow nurses get COVID. She’s even seen a couple of her co-workers die.

She’s held cell phones up to the ears of dying patients so family members could say their remote goodbyes. She zipped patients in body bags. She got COVID herself last July and says she still has antibodies from her own mild infection.

Despite the horrors visited on patients and colleagues by the virus, she says the vaccine scares her more. Even with her job on the line she has vowed not to take the shots.

Her case has been championed by conservatives and anti-vaccination groups.

She’s recently been profiled by national newspapers and been a featured guest on cable news. She’s testified before Texas legislators considering SB 1699, which would prevent employers from mandating vaccinations there. Similar bills are pending in several other states.

Bridges’ public standoff with her employer has shined a light on a growing debate about the best ways to nudge a nervous nation toward the return to normalcy offered by the vaccines.

The issue is especially fraught in health care, where surprisingly large pockets of hesitancy exist, and hospitals have found themselves in the unenviable position of trying to find a way to support wary and burnt-out workers while protecting vulnerable patients.

A March survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation and The Washington Post of 1 300 frontline health care workers who have direct contact with patients found nearly half had not yet received a COVID-19 vaccine.

The University of Pennsylvania Health System, which employs about 44,000 people, says about 11,000 of its workers — or 30% of its workforce — still have not been vaccinated. Penn recently announced it would follow Houston Methodist in requiring COVID vaccinations for all employees by Sept. 1.

Houston Methodist’s near-complete vaccination coverage comes after employees were offered a series of carrots and sticks to get the shots, which have been shown in clinical trials — and in real-world data from millions of doses administered — to be remarkably effective at preventing symptomatic COVID infections, hospitalizations, and deaths.

First, the hospital offered $500 bonuses for employees who got vaccinated; then, in March, they told staffers that anyone who didn’t get vaccinated could lose their jobs if they weren’t approved for an exemption.

“I think the data absolutely supports mandates for COVID vaccines,” said Art Caplan, PhD, a professor of bioethics at New York University Langone Medical Center. “They are remarkably effective, remarkably safe and better certainly, in efficacy, than flu shots, which are OK, but these COVID vaccinations seem to be amazing in terms of preventing deaths and hospitalizations,” he said.

Bridges has raised about $22,000 through a GoFundMe account and says she has used the money to hire a lawyer.

“Since I first started this stance, at first I was just like, you know, I want more research. I want it FDA-approved. I want to know the long-term effects,” she says.

“But I’ll be honest, since I’ve kind of fell into this little rabbit hole and got all into this, the more research and personal experiences I come across and things I’ve seen with my own eyes, like, this vaccine actually scares me now,” Bridges says. “I will never take it. If I have to get out of the medical field to save myself, I will.”

Caplan says he knows that some health care workers have hesitated to get the vaccines because they were distributed under an emergency use authorization (EUA), but he said, “we’ve never had emergency use like this.”

He said when drugs have been used under an EUA before, they’ve been given to relatively small numbers of people.

“This is a massive distribution, worldwide with data pouring in on obvious safety and efficacy, so I think you could stand up to a court challenge,” he says.

Pitting Herself Against Hospital Policy

Bridges doesn’t think of herself as an antivaxxer. She says she’s gotten vaccines in the past, including a flu shot last year, which is also mandated by Houston Methodist.

“That one’s been around for so many years and so much research, that, like, I was OK with that one,” she says.

Bridges said the $500 incentives to get the COVID vaccines felt like bribery, and the way her bosses spoke to her was off-putting. She said they called her into a meeting with the CEO and chief nursing officer (CNO), where she was told that everyone at their facility was replaceable and that “100% compliance with this vaccine is more important than individual autonomy.”

Through a spokesperson, Houston Methodist responded that the meeting with Bridges was called “at her request to discuss her questions and concerns.”

Bridges said statements made at the meeting really rubbed her the wrong way. “If anybody knows anything about a nurse, our autonomy is super important. We’re the ones with the patient. All day, we do the critical thinking. We save their lives. We take care of them. I mean the doctor shows up for 10 minutes and they’re gone. We need our autonomy to do our jobs,” she said. “Him saying that was just a big slap in the face.”

Bridges says she and other nurses are still angry about the way they were forced to work through the pandemic.

“Everything you learn as a nurse, basically during the whole pandemic it just got thrown out the window and they just made new rules,” she said.

The N95 masks they had been taught to throw away after every patient suddenly had to be reused.

Nurses weren’t allowed to wear makeup so their masks could be properly sanitized and recycled at the end of each shift.

“A few weeks later, we were told we could reuse it up to 10 times, and you’d write your name on it and they’d mark each time, and you knew it wasn’t safe anymore,” she says. “So yeah, you got really mad.”

Bridges said recent public statements made by Houston Methodist’s CEO, Marc Boom, MD, have also offended her.

“Marc Boom has basically been stating that the one of us that don’t want a vaccine are selfish and we put ourselves before the patient,” Bridges says. “That really offends all nurses, you know. We were the ones at the bedside that put ourselves at risk and our families at risk. We did all the work through all of that and our CEOs and CNOs they all stayed at home. They didn’t even step foot in the hospital for months,” she said.

Through a spokesperson, Boom pushed back. “This statement is absolutely false and offensive to the hard-working and dedicated women and men who worked tirelessly to lead our institution through the pandemic,” he said. “Our executives continued to work at our hospitals. They were on incident command — going on 14 months now — and rounded at all our hospitals all day long during the entire pandemic.

“It is unfortunate that Ms. Bridges is choosing to act this way. She is a disgruntled employee making unfounded claims and putting herself before our patients by not getting a vaccine. Her messages have become increasingly personal and unprofessional and her efforts appear co-opted by the anti-vaccine movement. As such, her rhetoric is endangering the health of our community, which benefits dramatically from the success of vaccines,” Boom said.

A Media Maelstrom

Asked if she had watched the public meetings on the vaccines held by the FDA and the CDC, she said, “No, unfortunately, not for the past month. My life got really crazy, really fast. I haven’t had too much time to look at too many extra things right now, but that would definitely be interesting.”

Bridges questions the idea that she should get vaccinated to protect her patients.

“I’ve literally had 70-, 80-year-old patients with stage 4 cancer on chemo get COVID and they were perfectly fine and went home. Just because they get COVID doesn’t mean it’s going to kill them,” she said.

“I know it can be deadly, but it’s more deadly for people that, you know, are more fragile,” she said. “To me, the risk of the shot is greater than the risk of dying of COVID.”

A growing body of research shows this belief is wrong.

One of the most dangerous adverse events linked to vaccination is the development of rare, but serious blood clots in the veins that drain blood from the brain and other major organs. A recent study from researchers at the University of Oxford in Great Britain, found that the risk of getting one of these clots was about seven times higher in the 2 weeks after getting COVID than after either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine.

Another serious event linked to vaccination are allergic reactions called anaphylaxis. A study published in the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report found that these allergic reactions are extremely rare, occurring in 11 people for every million doses of vaccine given, for the Pfizer vaccine. Another study indicates they are even more rare for the Moderna vaccine, occurring in two people for every million doses given.

At the same time, studies in the real world have shown that the vaccines cut the risk of getting symptomatic COVID in health care workers in the United Kingdom by about 85% after two doses. In health care workers in the United States, the vaccines have been shown to cut the risk for COVID infection by 90%.

Another study from the United Kingdom, showed that vaccinations prevented health care workers from bringing the infection home to their family members.

Vaccines have also slashed COVID deaths in nursing homes.

An Ethical Obligation

Bridges says that since making her stand against vaccine mandates, her life has become a whirlwind. Her voice has become hoarse doing interviews with reporters. She was recently invited onto the stage at a Houston rally hosted by a group called America’s Frontline Doctors, a prominent antivaccination group.

The group’s founder, Simone Gold, a Stanford-educated lawyer and emergency room doctor, is currently awaiting trial on charges tied to her participation in the attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.

Asked what sources of information she has relied on to get information about the vaccine, Bridges said that America’s Frontline Doctors was “a huge source.… There’s also been a lot of good research that’s been done in other countries,” she said, without citing any specific studies.

Bridges said she found it suspicious when inexpensive remedies like hydroxychloroquine and zinc had been abandoned as COVID treatments only to be replaced by expensive drugs like remdesivir. She also feels wary about the billions of dollars that pharmaceutical companies have reaped from the COVID vaccines.

She said she believed that adverse events tied to the vaccines were not being reported.

“There’s too much that they’re not allowing the public to actually know and they’re just pushing them to get it because it’s such a huge moneymaker,” Bridges said. “If you look at the classification, it’s not even classified as a vaccine. It is classified as gene therapy.”

According to an FDA spokesperson, this notion is false. None of the COVID vaccines are defined by the agency as a gene therapy.

But beyond legality, Caplan says that health care workers have special moral obligations to protect their patients.

“The codes of ethics of all doctors and nurses, physical therapists, any group I could find in health care all say ‘put patient interests first.’ The patient comes first,” Caplan says.

“There’s no doubt if you worked in a transplant unit, cancer unit, or newborn unit, protection for the vulnerable is crucial,” he says. “I think, to be blunt, if you won’t vaccinate, you should get another job.”

The risk of developing rare but serious blood clots from COVID-19 is many times higher than from the AstraZeneca/Oxford or Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, researchers have concluded.

A preprint study by the University of Oxford examined the records of more than 500,000 COVID-19 patients and used that data to estimate that cerebral venous thrombosis blood clots would occurred in about 39 of every 1 million people with COVID-19.

CVT has been reported to occur in about 5 per million people after a first dose of the AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine. In more than 480,000 people receiving either the Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna vaccines, CVT occurred in 4 per million.

The researchers said that compared to the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, the risk of CVT from COVID-19 was about 10 times greater.

The COVID vaccine from Johnson & Johnson, which has been put into limbo because of cases of rare blood clots in patients that received it, is an so-called adenovirus vaccine similar to AstraZeneca’s but was not included in this research.

A similar pattern was seen in portal vein thrombosis (PVT) blood clots, which occurred in 436.4 per million people who had COVID. That compared to 44.9 per million for the Pfizer-Moderna vaccine group, and 1.6 per million for those receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine.

Study author Paul Harrison, professor of psychiatry at the University of Oxford, said in a press briefing that “all the evidence we have is that the risks of COVID are so much greater than whatever the risks of the vaccine might be compared to background.”