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Causes of sad sexual life for men

It is a well-liked notion that growing age decreases the will in men to possess a full of life and satisfying sexual life. It, however, isn’t true. Growing age is one among the factors for unhappy sexual life, however there square measure different reasons, that end in sad sexual life for men. a number of the potent reasons behind sad sexual life for men square measure mentioned below:


Loss of physical attraction (sex drive)

Loss of physical attraction in men is unusual compared with ladies tho’ dysfunction in men could be a a lot of common drawback compared with different sexual issues that occur in ladies. Loss of physical attraction doesn’t mean that the flexibility to possess sex has diminished in an exceedingly man, however that the will for it doesn’t exist any longer.
Low physical attraction or loss of physical attraction is coupled to bound physiological, emotional and psychological causes, however sad sexual life or relationship can’t be avoided.
Physiological reasons for loss of physical attraction is alcoholism, drug abuse, fatness (a major factor), anaemia, low androgen (a terribly rare cause) or polygenic disease.
Some emotional or psychological reasons is depression, stress, overstrain, insubstantial childhood reminiscences, relationship problems with the partner and sexual orientation issues

Erectile Dysfunction  —

ED With growing age, impotence (also called dysfunction or ED)

in men becomes a lot of common. Impotency suggests that the loss of ability to possess associate degreed sustain an erection for sexual issues. because of impotency, men take quite usual time to urge associate degree erection. Erection doesn’t essentially mean that it’s going to be as firm or as massive because it wont to be. when consummation, the loss of erection is fast. Another erection could take longer than the primary. dysfunction isn’t a severe drawback, particularly not that there’s a prevalence of advanced bioscience, however if it happens typically, you must consult a doctor for correct steering.

Emotional Imbalance

Emotional imbalance in relationship or in family can even be a reason behind sad sexual life. discontentedness in an exceedingly relationship will cause stress, infidelity, frustration etc that successively influences sexual life. Emotional upheavals because of family issues or death of a honey square measure another common causes of disturbed sexual life in men.
Once a person goes through emotional turbulence, his interest in sexual life reduces. He cannot connect with the intimacy, love and fervour concerned in sexual practice.


Some diseases, disabilities, ailments, medicines and surgeries will have an effect on men’s ability or need to possess and revel in sex. Diseases like polygenic disease cause dysfunction in some men, a robust reason to possess sad or discontent sexual life. Disorders like incontinence (loss of bladder management or unseaworthy of urine), sometimes, develop with age, thereby creating sexual issues troublesome as further pressure on the belly throughout intercourse will cause a loss of excretion, thereby killing the will of getting sex. Incontinence is avoided by dynamic your positions. Incontinence is effectively treated by taking medical facilitate.



Penis Enlargement 

Penis size is an important issue for men of many ages who are concerned about the length and thickness of their penis. Men with smaller penises often develop low self-confidence and a poor body image. They become concerned about the impact of a smaller penis on their relationships and sexual performance.
The size of the penis can be improved by incorporating appropriate changes in lifestyle and eating habits. Certain Ayurvedic herbs, Ayurvedic medicines and massage oils can 100% help in  enlarging the penis  without any side effects. They can also address other sexual diseases like premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, poor sperm count, low stamina etc.

Sikander E Azam Plus Capsule

Hashmi’s Sikander E Azam Plus Capsules are ayurvedic capsules formulated to cure male sexual disorders. Sikander E Azam Plus Capsules are completely natural and safe to use. These capsules help in curing erectile dysfunction, nightfall, low libido, low strength and stamina, premature ejaculation and many such problems. Being a herbal product, there are no known side effects of Sikandar E Azam Plus Capsule. Hence capsules can be used without any worries.

Capsules help to increase the width and length of the penis. It also helps in increasing the sexual desire of the male to satisfy the orgasm.

Sikander-e-Azam Plus Capsules Best male enlargement capsules are 100% natural and safe products, which are able to increase male penis size up to 2 inches and increase up to 25% safely and permanently. Sikander-e-Azam Plus Capsules are specially selected by high quality, herbal based ingredients to get the best results in your life.

Sikander-e-Azam Plus Capsules are created by a professional team of doctors under the direction of Dr Hashmi, with many years of experience, engaged to get the best products on the market

Benefit of capsule

1. Brings tension and stiffness,
2. Removes looseness of penis
3. Strengthens the veins of the penis by increasing blood flow
4. Produces proper erection in the penis
5. Beneficial in sexually transmitted diseases
6. Beneficial in curing the problem of premature ejaculation
7. Say good bye to your small penis
8. High blood flow and a hormonal balance

As with any health concern, men who are concerned about the size of their penis can consult Dr. Hashmi.

Houston Methodist made headlines in April when it told employees they would have to get vaccinated for COVID or be fired, becoming the first large medical system in the United States to mandate COVID vaccinations.

The policy has worked. About 98% of the 26,000 employees at Houston Methodist have now been vaccinated against COVID-19, according to Stefanie Asin, director of public relations and communications at Houston Methodist.

Yet, the hospital’s strong stance has also ignited a war of words between management and wary frontline workers.

One of those workers, Jennifer Bridges, 39, a medical-surgical nurse, has spent much of the last year treating COVID patients. She has watched her fellow nurses get COVID. She’s even seen a couple of her co-workers die.

She’s held cell phones up to the ears of dying patients so family members could say their remote goodbyes. She zipped patients in body bags. She got COVID herself last July and says she still has antibodies from her own mild infection.

Despite the horrors visited on patients and colleagues by the virus, she says the vaccine scares her more. Even with her job on the line she has vowed not to take the shots.

Her case has been championed by conservatives and anti-vaccination groups.

She’s recently been profiled by national newspapers and been a featured guest on cable news. She’s testified before Texas legislators considering SB 1699, which would prevent employers from mandating vaccinations there. Similar bills are pending in several other states.

Bridges’ public standoff with her employer has shined a light on a growing debate about the best ways to nudge a nervous nation toward the return to normalcy offered by the vaccines.

The issue is especially fraught in health care, where surprisingly large pockets of hesitancy exist, and hospitals have found themselves in the unenviable position of trying to find a way to support wary and burnt-out workers while protecting vulnerable patients.

A March survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation and The Washington Post of 1 300 frontline health care workers who have direct contact with patients found nearly half had not yet received a COVID-19 vaccine.

The University of Pennsylvania Health System, which employs about 44,000 people, says about 11,000 of its workers — or 30% of its workforce — still have not been vaccinated. Penn recently announced it would follow Houston Methodist in requiring COVID vaccinations for all employees by Sept. 1.

Houston Methodist’s near-complete vaccination coverage comes after employees were offered a series of carrots and sticks to get the shots, which have been shown in clinical trials — and in real-world data from millions of doses administered — to be remarkably effective at preventing symptomatic COVID infections, hospitalizations, and deaths.

First, the hospital offered $500 bonuses for employees who got vaccinated; then, in March, they told staffers that anyone who didn’t get vaccinated could lose their jobs if they weren’t approved for an exemption.

“I think the data absolutely supports mandates for COVID vaccines,” said Art Caplan, PhD, a professor of bioethics at New York University Langone Medical Center. “They are remarkably effective, remarkably safe and better certainly, in efficacy, than flu shots, which are OK, but these COVID vaccinations seem to be amazing in terms of preventing deaths and hospitalizations,” he said.

Bridges has raised about $22,000 through a GoFundMe account and says she has used the money to hire a lawyer.

“Since I first started this stance, at first I was just like, you know, I want more research. I want it FDA-approved. I want to know the long-term effects,” she says.

“But I’ll be honest, since I’ve kind of fell into this little rabbit hole and got all into this, the more research and personal experiences I come across and things I’ve seen with my own eyes, like, this vaccine actually scares me now,” Bridges says. “I will never take it. If I have to get out of the medical field to save myself, I will.”

Caplan says he knows that some health care workers have hesitated to get the vaccines because they were distributed under an emergency use authorization (EUA), but he said, “we’ve never had emergency use like this.”

He said when drugs have been used under an EUA before, they’ve been given to relatively small numbers of people.

“This is a massive distribution, worldwide with data pouring in on obvious safety and efficacy, so I think you could stand up to a court challenge,” he says.

Pitting Herself Against Hospital Policy

Bridges doesn’t think of herself as an antivaxxer. She says she’s gotten vaccines in the past, including a flu shot last year, which is also mandated by Houston Methodist.

“That one’s been around for so many years and so much research, that, like, I was OK with that one,” she says.

Bridges said the $500 incentives to get the COVID vaccines felt like bribery, and the way her bosses spoke to her was off-putting. She said they called her into a meeting with the CEO and chief nursing officer (CNO), where she was told that everyone at their facility was replaceable and that “100% compliance with this vaccine is more important than individual autonomy.”

Through a spokesperson, Houston Methodist responded that the meeting with Bridges was called “at her request to discuss her questions and concerns.”

Bridges said statements made at the meeting really rubbed her the wrong way. “If anybody knows anything about a nurse, our autonomy is super important. We’re the ones with the patient. All day, we do the critical thinking. We save their lives. We take care of them. I mean the doctor shows up for 10 minutes and they’re gone. We need our autonomy to do our jobs,” she said. “Him saying that was just a big slap in the face.”

Bridges says she and other nurses are still angry about the way they were forced to work through the pandemic.

“Everything you learn as a nurse, basically during the whole pandemic it just got thrown out the window and they just made new rules,” she said.

The N95 masks they had been taught to throw away after every patient suddenly had to be reused.

Nurses weren’t allowed to wear makeup so their masks could be properly sanitized and recycled at the end of each shift.

“A few weeks later, we were told we could reuse it up to 10 times, and you’d write your name on it and they’d mark each time, and you knew it wasn’t safe anymore,” she says. “So yeah, you got really mad.”

Bridges said recent public statements made by Houston Methodist’s CEO, Marc Boom, MD, have also offended her.

“Marc Boom has basically been stating that the one of us that don’t want a vaccine are selfish and we put ourselves before the patient,” Bridges says. “That really offends all nurses, you know. We were the ones at the bedside that put ourselves at risk and our families at risk. We did all the work through all of that and our CEOs and CNOs they all stayed at home. They didn’t even step foot in the hospital for months,” she said.

Through a spokesperson, Boom pushed back. “This statement is absolutely false and offensive to the hard-working and dedicated women and men who worked tirelessly to lead our institution through the pandemic,” he said. “Our executives continued to work at our hospitals. They were on incident command — going on 14 months now — and rounded at all our hospitals all day long during the entire pandemic.

“It is unfortunate that Ms. Bridges is choosing to act this way. She is a disgruntled employee making unfounded claims and putting herself before our patients by not getting a vaccine. Her messages have become increasingly personal and unprofessional and her efforts appear co-opted by the anti-vaccine movement. As such, her rhetoric is endangering the health of our community, which benefits dramatically from the success of vaccines,” Boom said.

A Media Maelstrom

Asked if she had watched the public meetings on the vaccines held by the FDA and the CDC, she said, “No, unfortunately, not for the past month. My life got really crazy, really fast. I haven’t had too much time to look at too many extra things right now, but that would definitely be interesting.”

Bridges questions the idea that she should get vaccinated to protect her patients.

“I’ve literally had 70-, 80-year-old patients with stage 4 cancer on chemo get COVID and they were perfectly fine and went home. Just because they get COVID doesn’t mean it’s going to kill them,” she said.

“I know it can be deadly, but it’s more deadly for people that, you know, are more fragile,” she said. “To me, the risk of the shot is greater than the risk of dying of COVID.”

A growing body of research shows this belief is wrong.

One of the most dangerous adverse events linked to vaccination is the development of rare, but serious blood clots in the veins that drain blood from the brain and other major organs. A recent study from researchers at the University of Oxford in Great Britain, found that the risk of getting one of these clots was about seven times higher in the 2 weeks after getting COVID than after either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine.

Another serious event linked to vaccination are allergic reactions called anaphylaxis. A study published in the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report found that these allergic reactions are extremely rare, occurring in 11 people for every million doses of vaccine given, for the Pfizer vaccine. Another study indicates they are even more rare for the Moderna vaccine, occurring in two people for every million doses given.

At the same time, studies in the real world have shown that the vaccines cut the risk of getting symptomatic COVID in health care workers in the United Kingdom by about 85% after two doses. In health care workers in the United States, the vaccines have been shown to cut the risk for COVID infection by 90%.

Another study from the United Kingdom, showed that vaccinations prevented health care workers from bringing the infection home to their family members.

Vaccines have also slashed COVID deaths in nursing homes.

An Ethical Obligation

Bridges says that since making her stand against vaccine mandates, her life has become a whirlwind. Her voice has become hoarse doing interviews with reporters. She was recently invited onto the stage at a Houston rally hosted by a group called America’s Frontline Doctors, a prominent antivaccination group.

The group’s founder, Simone Gold, a Stanford-educated lawyer and emergency room doctor, is currently awaiting trial on charges tied to her participation in the attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.

Asked what sources of information she has relied on to get information about the vaccine, Bridges said that America’s Frontline Doctors was “a huge source.… There’s also been a lot of good research that’s been done in other countries,” she said, without citing any specific studies.

Bridges said she found it suspicious when inexpensive remedies like hydroxychloroquine and zinc had been abandoned as COVID treatments only to be replaced by expensive drugs like remdesivir. She also feels wary about the billions of dollars that pharmaceutical companies have reaped from the COVID vaccines.

She said she believed that adverse events tied to the vaccines were not being reported.

“There’s too much that they’re not allowing the public to actually know and they’re just pushing them to get it because it’s such a huge moneymaker,” Bridges said. “If you look at the classification, it’s not even classified as a vaccine. It is classified as gene therapy.”

According to an FDA spokesperson, this notion is false. None of the COVID vaccines are defined by the agency as a gene therapy.

But beyond legality, Caplan says that health care workers have special moral obligations to protect their patients.

“The codes of ethics of all doctors and nurses, physical therapists, any group I could find in health care all say ‘put patient interests first.’ The patient comes first,” Caplan says.

“There’s no doubt if you worked in a transplant unit, cancer unit, or newborn unit, protection for the vulnerable is crucial,” he says. “I think, to be blunt, if you won’t vaccinate, you should get another job.”

The risk of developing rare but serious blood clots from COVID-19 is many times higher than from the AstraZeneca/Oxford or Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, researchers have concluded.

A preprint study by the University of Oxford examined the records of more than 500,000 COVID-19 patients and used that data to estimate that cerebral venous thrombosis blood clots would occurred in about 39 of every 1 million people with COVID-19.

CVT has been reported to occur in about 5 per million people after a first dose of the AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine. In more than 480,000 people receiving either the Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna vaccines, CVT occurred in 4 per million.

The researchers said that compared to the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, the risk of CVT from COVID-19 was about 10 times greater.

The COVID vaccine from Johnson & Johnson, which has been put into limbo because of cases of rare blood clots in patients that received it, is an so-called adenovirus vaccine similar to AstraZeneca’s but was not included in this research.

A similar pattern was seen in portal vein thrombosis (PVT) blood clots, which occurred in 436.4 per million people who had COVID. That compared to 44.9 per million for the Pfizer-Moderna vaccine group, and 1.6 per million for those receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine.

Study author Paul Harrison, professor of psychiatry at the University of Oxford, said in a press briefing that “all the evidence we have is that the risks of COVID are so much greater than whatever the risks of the vaccine might be compared to background.”

Men, in case you haven’t already heard – COVID-19 hits us harder than it does women. Around the world, men who get the novel coronavirus more often wind up in the hospital than women, and they are nearly two and a half times more likely to die from it. Men also tend to discount the need for masks and other protective measures.Experts still have a lot to learn about men and COVID-19, but the whys and hows of its heightened impact on men are coming into sharper focus as they learn more about the disease. We talked to five health care providers about what might put men at higher risk and what they need to do about it.

Eric Cioe-Peña, MD, MPH , Director of Global Health, Northwell Health, New Hyde Park, NY, and emergency medicine physician at Staten Island University Hospital, Staten Island, NY:

“Anecdotally, men come to the emergency room when they’re sicker, with more complications, and with a greater need for ventilator support than women. And some men do come to the ER later in the course of the virus. That can lead to more severe respiratory issues and less time to use non-invasive means of support to aid their breathing.

What men really need to do is wear a mask, and they need to see a doctor when they get sick or if they are sick and start to feel worse. For example, if they’re discharged from the ER, they need to come back if their respiratory symptoms get worse. If that’s going to happen, it’ll usually occur on days 10 to 13 of their illness. What I find helps with the men I see: I tend to be up front and meet them at their level. I don’t want to patronize them or try to scare them or act like a “tough guy” telling them what to do. I acknowledge the frustration that they feel because they don’t have control over the situation, and I listen to them.”

Len Horovitz, MD , internist and pulmonologist, Lenox Hill Hospital, NYC:

“Since there is no natural immunity to COVID-19, all men are susceptible to infection unless previously infected. Those who smoke, have diabetes, hypertension, coronary artery disease and underlying auto-immune problems are particularly susceptible to complications of COVID-19, such as requiring oxygen or hospitalization. Obesity is also a risk factor.The obvious mitigation strategies of masks, social distancing, and hand washing are fundamental.

I try to encourage men to form a ‘bubble’ or ‘pod’ with their household contacts, and to avoid contact with those who may be exposing them (in crowds, travel, sporting events).  The instinct of men to protect their families by adopting this behavior has been effective, and I make sure to tell my male patients to follow the recommended preventive measures if not for themselves than for the sake of their families.”

Travis D. Westbrook, PhD , clinical psychologist and Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center:

“When asked if they wear masks or practice social distancing, more men than women say no. Why? That’s complicated. One factor could relate to masculinity and social influence on men’s attitudes and behavior. For example, men are socialized to suppress negative emotions and maintain a ‘strong’ outward appearance. If a man strongly identifies with these definitions of ‘manliness’ or masculinity, then wearing a mask or avoiding large gatherings may seem to him to be a sign of fear and weakness.

And while masculinity and avoidance of losing masculine status—being seen as less of a man—may be part of it, lack of trust in authority and government also may contribute to some men’s decision to ignore public health guidelines. It is also safe to say that men tend to downplay the risk more than women. That’s not exclusive to COVID-19. Men also are less likely to wear seatbelts and they are more likely to die in accidents more broadly.

Simply put, no single factor likely accounts for all the variance in men’s risky behaviors. One potential solution when attempting to address these attitudes on an individual level could be to better understand the man’s values. For example, a man who values caring for and safeguarding his family could be shown specific ways that mask use contributes to the safety of his loved ones who he wants to protect.”

Matthew G. Heinz, MD , Hospitalist (hospital physician), internist in Tucson, AZ:“How do you get the message to men about their heightened risks? I hope that getting educated and learning about COVID-19, listening to the facts and science will help. Because men do tend to do worse than women. That’s now pretty clear.

We don’t completely understand why, but much of it is likely due to differences in hormones and an enzyme called ACE2. The hormone estrogen may give women a protective edge, but men only have a very small amount of estrogen. Men may also have higher concentrations of ACE2. This enzyme binds with what’s called a spike protein contained in the virus, which allows COVID-19 to more easily get into the lungs. And while we don’t know the exact numbers, we do know that the greater number of viral particles that you’re exposed to, the sicker you’re likelier to get.

So, what should men do to protect themselves? Wear a mask, wash your hands, maintain social distance. But more than that, men should remember that they model behavior for their family members. Keep in mind that your kids look to you for what to do. Follow public health guidelines and encourage others to follow your lead. That protects everyone.”

Matthew Rettig, MD , professor of medicine and urology at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center:

“We think that male hormones such as testosterone make men more susceptible to COVID-19 and that those hormones also increase the odds that men who get the virus will have a more severe illness. The question we want to answer with our research, known as the HITCH study, is whether suppressing male hormones will shorten men’s time in the hospital, reduce their need for intubation, and prevent them from dying. All of our study participants are hospitalized male veterans.

Why might this work? Male hormones happen to increase the activity of a gene called TMPRSS2, which the virus requires in order to gain entry into human cells, including lung cells. So, if we block TMPRSS2 by shutting down the production of male hormones among men hospitalized for COVID-19, that may help them recover more quickly.

Another reason male hormones could be important: They may trigger different responses from the immune system than female hormones, and that too may help explain why men are likelier to have a more severe form of the illness than women. The HITCH study, which we hope to complete within the next three months, will determine if the approach of suppressing male hormones is truly beneficial to hospitalized men with COVID-19.”

Ladies! If slipping into your favorite pair of jeans feels like fighting a war each day, we know where the problem lies! Your bulging tummy! Yes! A potbelly can not ruin your beautiful figure, but also lead to many health complications. To help you flatten these ‘tyres’ we have put together 10 Best Exercises for Belly Fat reduction!

These exercises work by moving every muscle in the area and along with that, even strengthen your core. So, let’s get into a comfy workout clothing to kickstart your new routine.

Causes of Belly Fat In Women:

Before we learn about the exercises, let us look into the factors that cause a loose, hanging belly fat in women:

  • Hi-Calorie Diet that is full of unhealthy fats, sugars and carbohydrates
  • Sedentary Lifestyle with almost no physical activity to burn the calories consumed
  • Low Protein Diet that is linked to poor metabolic rate in the body
  • Menopause in women which causes a drop in the estrogen levels, leading to weight gain and belly fat
  • Poor Digestion that can slow down the breakdown of food and cause fat deposits around the waistline
  • Stress that can decrease the Cortisol levels in the body which can lead to unwanted deposits in the abdominal region.

10 Best Exercises To Reduce Belly Fat at Home:

Here is a set of 10 belly fat workouts to help you lose the excess bulk around your tummy and waistline:

1. Crunches:

The first word that comes to our mind when we talk about belly fat burning exercises in “Crunches”. While crunches alone cannot melt your fat, they sure can speed up the results when combined with other exercises. Also, crunches can strengthen your abdominal muscles and give them a toned appearance.

Steps to Perform:

  • Lie on your back
  • Slowly, bend your knees and place your feet flat on the ground
  • Now place your hands behind your neck and rest your hand on the palms
  • Inhale deeply and slowly lift up your upper torso while exhaling
  • Keep your neck and head relaxed
  • Inhale and Go back to the original position

2. Bicycle Abdominal Exercise:

Bicycle abdominal exercise is considered to be one of the most effective exercises to get rid of lower belly fat. Also called Bicycle crunches, this workout involves moving both your torso and the legs to burn more calories and achieve a toned body. There are many variations of this exercise and we have listed the steps for a standard one suitable for beginners:

Steps to Perform:

  • Spread a mat and lie down on the ground
  • Make sure that your lower body is pressed firmly on to the floor
  • Place your hands on the sides of your hand to support it
  • Now lift up your torso and bend one leg towards the chest. Keep the other leg extended on the ground
  • Twist your body to bring your opposite hand closer to this knee. You don’t have to touch it or go beyond your body limits.
  • Now lower your arm and your leg at the same time. Relax.
  • Repeat this procedure on alternate side

3. Planks:

When it comes to strengthening your core and burning belly fat at the same time, nothing can beat the benefits of a Plank exercise. By engaging multiple muscles in the body, this workout can also improve your posture and flexibility. To begin with, you can try out this easy forearm plank exercise to lose belly fat.

Steps to Perform:

  • Lie face down and place your arms, toes on the floor
  • Now get into the push up position by bending your arms at the elbows
  • Raise your body and balance the entire weight on the toes and elbows
  • Keep your arms and face parallel to the ground.
  • Make sure to keep your abdomen tight and straight
  • Maintain the position for as long as you can
  • Relax and come back to the normal posture

4. Leg Lifts:

Leg lifts exercise is another best lower belly fat workout that is highly recommended by fitness experts to get a shaped tummy. This is a simple exercise which involves lifting only your legs to put pressure on the abdominal muscles. It is also called “hanging leg raises”, as you are restricting arm or body movement and only lifting your legs in mid-air.

Steps to Perform:

  • Lie on your back and keep your arms fixed on the ground
  • Keep your head straight
  • Inhale deeply
  • Now slowly lift both the legs and exhale as you do
  • Do not bend your knees or move your body
  • Maintain the posture for 15-20 seconds
  • Inhale and go back to the starting position

5. Lunge Twist:

Lunge twist is a great way to lose lower back and abdominal fat. It also strengthens your glutes, spinal column and your overall core. For enhanced support and balance, you can also use a medicine ball, although it is not mandatory.Along with shaping your body, this exercise can also correct posture problems and misalignments in the structure.

Steps to Perform:

  • Stand straight with your feet apart from each other
  • Now bend your left leg only. Move your right leg to the back and extend it as much as you can.
  • Rotate your torso to the left and bend forward to touch your elbow to the knee
  • Return to the starting position
  • Repeat the movement on the other side

6. Stomach Vacuum:

Belly vacuum is one of the best tummy trimming exercises, popularized by the famous Yoga guru, Baba Ramdev. Although it appears easy, the asana takes time and practise to perform it as perfectly as him. This exercise involves sucking in your stomach to target the transversus abdominis, which can result in tightening of tummy muscles. Doing this regularly can give you a slimmer waistline and a strengthened core area.

Steps to Perform:

  • Sit it in the Padmasana position
  • Place your hands on the hips
  • Exhale all the air from your lungs
  • Now expand your chest and suck in your stomach as much as possible
  • Maintain that position for a while
  • Ideally, the navel should touch the backbone (which takes time to master)
  • Repeat this for 10 times

7. Walking Pushup:

Ever heard of walking pushups? This best stomach loss exercise combines the benefits of pushups and walking at the same time. As it involves moving all the muscles in the body, the exercise can burn fat evenly and specially target the upper abdominal area. Along with reduced tummy area, this exercise can also tone your shoulders and arms.

Steps to Perform:

  • Face your body down and maintain the normal push up position
  • Now raise your upper body and balance the weight on your arms and toes
  • Place your palms firmly on the ground
  • Now, do a push up and move your left leg to the side, followed by the right leg.
  • Repeat this step again and keep moving to the side, as if you are walking sideways
  • Once you reach a certain position, you can move to the right side using the same technique

8. Reverse Crunches:

Reverse Crunches are another popular exercise to reduce tummy fat. It puts pressure on the abdominal region by contracting the ab muscles. Unlike the other exercises which targets only specific area of the stomach, reverse crunches involve the entire rectus muscles. When used along with other exercises, this workout can give you flat tummy.

Steps to Perform:

  • Lie down on the mat with your back against the floor
  • Bend your knees and bring them together
  • Keep your calf area in a straightline parallel to the ground
  • Place your palms behind your head to support it
  • Now lift up your torso and crunch your knees inward towards your chest
  • Go back to the original position and repeat the same procedure

9. Hanging Leg Raise:

If you are looking for a slightly advanced exercise to lose belly fat, try the hanging leg raise. Well, you don’t have to invest on expensive gym rings or other fancy equipment. Take the help of a sturdy tree branch or even an attic in your bedroom. Just make sure that the structure you choose is strong enough to hold your weight and is neither too low nor too high from the ground.

Steps to Perform:

  • Grab the ring or branch firmly with an overhand grip
  • Maintain a shoulder width between the arms
  • Now, vertically hang with your legs slightly above the ground
  • Bend your elbows slightly and pull up your legs, parallel to the floor
  • Round your back to allow a free movement
  • Pause for a second and go back to your original position

10. V Hold Abs:

V Hold abs is a best stomach fat workout that many women find it quite challenging to do. However, you need not worry about perfecting it at the first attempt. Slowly try to balance your body weight on the hips and raise your legs by placing your hands under your butt. Once you master this, you can also involve your hands and get into the ‘V’ position. Initially, you can hold shape for a couple of seconds and with practise, sustain it for longer periods.

Steps to Perform:

  • Lie down on your back and place your hands under your butt
  • Now lift your legs off the ground and inhale
  • This will contract the abdominal muscles
  • Slowly exhale and get back to the original position

So Amigas! Those are some of the best exercises for belly fat reduction at home. You must remember that they must be not used to reap immediate benefits. Practise them regularly and combine these workouts with other activities like walking, jogging and a healthy, balanced diet to achieve a slimmer tummy and a renewed you!

Is Body Image Affecting Your Sex Life?

Body image can really mess with our heads. For heterosexual women, the way they see their bodies can have a big impact on their feelings of sexual desire and their ability to become aroused. Men also can suffer feelings of body self-consciousness, but it often doesn’t interfere with their sexual function as much as it does with women. In fact, according to research (and as I’ve seen in my practice), next to relationship distress, negative body image is one of the biggest disrupters of sexual enjoyment, desire, and responsiveness in women.

There are two kinds of body image issues that impact a woman sexually – what she thinks of herself and what she believes her partner thinks of her body.

How she sees herself – if a woman feels like her body is unattractive, it leads to lower sexual self-esteem often leading to avoidance of sexual activity. Once one area of the sexual cycle is interrupted often several areas of the sexual cycle are disrupted – desire, arousal, and orgasm. The more she critically views her body, the more anxiety she will feel about being seen and touched – and the less able she’ll be to lose herself in the moment and become aroused. Specific concerns about her body, like worry about the size of her body parts or her weight (the most frequent female rule of measure) are the strongest predictors of orgasm problems.

How she thinks other see her – If a woman thinks that her partner (or other potential partners) finds her attractive, her sexual functioning will be higher. However, if she believes, regardless of the truth, that others view her body in a negative light, her desire will be disrupted as well as her ability to become aroused. For instance, in menopause, while hormones are part of the explanation for the loss of libido, a woman’s sense of desirability may be a factor as well. Older women complain of not turning the heads of men and often feel deflated as to their attractiveness, resulting in lower libido. That feeling is their subjective turn-on. Researcher Marta Meana says that for women, “being desired is the orgasm.”

To address body image issues and get back on track sexually, there are a few things you can try:

Believe your partner! Many men say they are frustrated because they find their partner infinitely sexy and yet she doesn’t think the same about her body and thus rejects him.

Decrease negative self talk before and during sex. Practice becoming aware of the critical voice inside while anticipating sexual moments. When you hear those thoughts, remind yourself that you are entitled to sexual pleasure and that sex will bring more closeness and bonding with your partner.

Practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is non-judgmental being. For a few minutes every day, practicing being in the now; observe whatever thoughts your mind brings up without accepting them as true. Don’t let yourself judge the feeling or thought, just let it reside in your mind and be curious about it. As we question our thoughts and feelings, we learn that they are only thoughts and feelings – they are not concrete reality.

Do some Kegels – Use the squeeze of a Kegel exercise to distract your mind from its negative wandering and come into your body. Often, the difficulty involved in squeezing your pelvic floor is enough to stop your mind from having many other thoughts at all.

Remember to breathe – Practice feeling yourself breathe when you are having sex. Take 2 deep breaths. Focus on that sensation for a second or two, instead of the negative thoughts. Daily meditation can help teach you this for less stressful circumstances.

Focus on your partner. Pay attention to how your body turns on his body. Watch as he becomes more and more aroused, notice his pleasure at being with you. Acknowledge the physical evidence that he does find you desirable.

If you’ve decided to have a baby, the most important thing you can do is to take good care of yourself so you and your baby will be healthy. Girls who get the proper care and make the right choices have a very good chance of having healthy babies.

Prenatal Care

See a doctor as soon as possible after you find out you’re pregnant to begin getting prenatal care (prenatal care is medical care during pregnancy). The sooner you start to get medical care, the better the chances that you and your baby will be healthy.

If you can’t afford to go to a doctor or clinic for prenatal care, social service organizations can help you. Ask a trusted adult, like a parent or school counselor, to help you find low-cost or free care in your community.

During your first visit, the doctor will ask you lots of questions, including the date of your last period. This helps the doctor work out how long you have been pregnant and your due date.

A baby’s due date is only an estimate. In fact, women don’t usually deliver exactly on their due dates. Most babies are born between 38 and 42 weeks after the first day of a woman’s last period, or 36 to 40 weeks after conception (when the sperm fertilizes the egg).


A pregnancy is divided into three phases called trimesters. The first trimester is from conception to the end of week 13. The second trimester is from week 14 to the end of week 26. The third trimester is from week 27 to the end of the pregnancy.

The doctor will examine you and do a pelvic exam. Your doctor may also do blood tests, a urine test, and tests for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Doctors do this because some STDs can cause serious medical problems in newborns, so it’s important to get treatment to protect the baby.

The doctor will probably recommend that you get some immunizations, like a Tdap vaccine to protect your baby against pertussis (whooping cough).

Your doctor will explain the types of physical and emotional changes you can expect during pregnancy. He or she will also teach you to how to recognize the signs of possible problems during pregnancy (you might hear your doctor call problems “complications”). Teens are more at risk for certain problems during pregnancy, such as anemia, high blood pressure, and giving birth earlier than usual (called premature delivery).

Your doctor will want you to start taking prenatal vitamins that contain folic acid, calcium, and iron as soon as possible. The doctor may prescribe the vitamins or recommend a brand that you can buy over the counter. These vitamins and minerals help ensure the baby’s and mother’s health as well as prevent some types of birth defects.

Ideally, you should see your doctor once each month for the first 28 weeks of your pregnancy, then every 2 weeks until 36 weeks, then once a week until you deliver the baby. If you have a medical condition such as diabetes that needs careful monitoring during your pregnancy, your doctor will probably want to see you more often.

During visits, your doctor or nurse will check your weight, blood pressure, and urine. The doctor or nurse will measure your abdomen to keep track of the baby’s growth. After the baby’s heartbeat can be heard with a special device, the doctor will listen for it at each visit. Your doctor will probably also send you for some other tests during the pregnancy, such as an ultrasound, to make sure that everything is OK with your baby.

One part of prenatal care is attending classes where moms to be can learn about having a healthy pregnancy and delivery. You can also learn the basics of caring for a new baby. These classes may be offered at hospitals, medical centers, schools, and colleges in your area.

It can be difficult for adults to talk to their doctors about their bodies and even more difficult for teens to do so. Your doctor is there to help you stay healthy during pregnancy and have a healthy baby — and there’s probably not much he or she hasn’t heard! So don’t be afraid to ask questions.

Be frank when your doctor asks questions, even if they seem embarrassing. A lot of the issues the doctor brings up could affect your baby’s health. Think of your doctor not just as someone who can help, but also as someone you can confide in about what’s happening to you.

Changes to Expect in Your Body

Pregnancy causes lots of physical changes in the body. Here are some common ones:

Breast Growth

An increase in breast size is one of the first signs of pregnancy, and the breasts may continue to grow throughout the pregnancy. You may go up several bra sizes during the course of your pregnancy.

Skin Changes

Don’t be surprised if people tell you your skin is “glowing” when you are pregnant — pregnancy causes an increase in blood volume, which can make your cheeks a little pinker than usual. And hormonal changes increase oil gland secretion, which can give your skin a shinier appearance. Acne is also common during pregnancy for the same reason.

Other skin changes caused by pregnancy hormones may include brownish or yellowish patches on the face called chloasma and a dark line on the midline of the lower abdomen, known as the linea nigra.

Also, moles or freckles that you had prior to pregnancy may become bigger and darker. Even the areola, the area around the nipples, becomes darker. Stretch marks are thin pink or purplish lines that can appear on your abdomen, breasts, or thighs.

Except for the darkening of the areola, which can last, these skin changes will usually disappear after you give birth.

Mood Swings

It’s very common to have mood swings during pregnancy. Some girls may also experience depression during pregnancy or after delivery. If you have symptoms of depression such as sadness, changes in sleep patterns, thoughts of hurting yourself, or bad feelings about yourself or your life, tell your doctor so he or she can help you to get treatment.

Pregnancy Discomforts

Pregnancy can cause some uncomfortable side effects. These include:

  • nausea and vomiting (especially early in the pregnancy)
  • leg swelling
  • varicose veins in the legs and the area around the vaginal opening
  • hemorrhoids
  • heartburn and constipation
  • backache
  • fatigue
  • sleep loss

If you have one or more of these side effects, keep in mind that you’re not alone! Ask your doctor for advice on how to deal with these common problems.

If you are pregnant and have bleeding or pain, call the doctor immediately, even if you are not planning to continue the pregnancy.

Things to Avoid

Smoking, drinking alcohol, and taking drugs when you are pregnant put you and your baby at risk for a number of serious problems.


Doctors now believe that it’s not safe to drink any amount of alcohol when you are pregnant. Drinking can harm a developing fetus, putting a baby at risk for birth defects and mental problems.


When a woman smokes while she is pregnant, she can have a miscarriage or stillbirth. Her baby might be premature (born early), and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). SIDS is the sudden, unexplained death of an infant who is younger than 1 year old.


Using drugs such as cocaine or marijuana during pregnancy can cause miscarriage, prematurity, and other medical problems. Babies can also be born addicted to some drugs.

Ask your doctor for help if you are having trouble quitting smoking, drinking, or drugs. Check with your doctor before taking any medication while you are pregnant, including over-the-counter medications, herbal remedies and supplements, and vitamins.

Unsafe Sex

Talk to your doctor about sex during pregnancy. If your doctor says it’s OK to have sex while you’re pregnant, you must use a condom to help prevent getting an STD. Some STDs can cause blindness, pneumonia, or meningitis in newborns, so it’s important to protect yourself and your baby.

Do Penis Enlargement Methods Really Work?

If you’re convinced that your penis is small (chances are it really isn’t), using the Internet to figure out how you measure up certainly won’t help you feel better – but you’re sure to find plenty of procedures and products promising to make your penis bigger. Are these promises too good to be true?

Medically, it is possible to make changes to the length and width of the human penis.

Doctors can lengthen the penis surgically by cutting the ligaments that secure it to the pelvis; but this only makes limp penises appear longer. It does little for the erect penis except make it more unstable and less well-rooted. You can nonsurgically “stretch” the penis for several hours a day for months with rubber band-laden-devices to increase length. Likes braces on teeth, this slowly “remodels” the penis and can add a half inch or so.

To make the penis thicker, surgical implants or “grafts” can be sewn to the sides of the penis, or fat, silicon or muscle grafts placed under the skin to increase its diameter.  These may work but can make the penis look strange, almost “doughy soft” and have complications like erosion through the skin or infection requiring removal. And when this happens, the disfigurement can be permanent and really mess up what originally appeared normal.

So, how do you know what’s right for you? What’s safe? What’s effective? Well, honestly, you don’t. This is because, much like plastic surgery, penile procedures seek to satisfy personal desires and do not necessarily address a universally understood problem. Because of this, there is scant published data on individual penile enlargement procedures, let alone comparisons among them.

That’s why it was refreshing to see a recently published paper that examined the outcomes from 17 studies of 21 surgical and non-surgical procedures that are used to enlarge penises. This 30,000-foot view of the field of penis enlargement was quite revealing. Here’s what it found:

  • 1192 men with healthy penises who underwent penile enlargement were evaluated
  • The vast majority of men having procedures had penises of normal size before their procedures
  • Surgical procedures included suspensory ligament excision (lengthening), fat grafting (girth) flaps (girth) and “penile disassembly.” Nonsurgical procedures included injectables (girth), extenders (length)and vacuum devices (length)
  • Among nonsurgical procedures, extenders definitely increased length, but only <2 cm
  • Injectables increased girth but were associated with significant complications (lumpy penis)
  • The average satisfaction rate among treated men was only 20%!
  • When counseling and education about penis size was given to patients before any procedures, more often than not patients declined any penile enlargement procedure

It suggests that when it comes to penile enlargement, be careful out there! Have realistic expectations about what you already own and what you’re buying into. Realize that the majority of men having such procedures end up not being entirely satisfied. Understand what can go wrong and how often it happens. And remember that in most cases, skill matters much more than size.